The View From A Slightly Twisted Angle

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Wednesday Wonderings

on July 10, 2013


WonderingWednesdayWe’ve experienced some thunderstorms in the middle of the night the last few nights and have officially discovered that our new family member, Lady Lola the Diva Dog, does not appreciate thunderstorms.  My first clue was waking to find her standing on my head.  I wonder why they didn’t mention that in her adoption paperwork? That might have been useful information.  Well…okay…it did say she doesn’t like loud noises. It didn’t say she’d rip into our bedroom at 80 miles an hour in the event of a lightening strike.  Good thing she’s so cute.  The bonus of our mid-night escapades is that I’ve discovered  I ponder really silly things after a few night’s interrupted sleep.  Just in time! Without further ado: this week’s wonderings!

  1. Why do you not appreciate your thigh muscles until they hurt?  I didn’t even realize the suckers were there until the day after I spent an afternoon squatting on the ground pulling out rocks. OUCH!
  2. Why does everyone feel the need to post on Facebook about the weather when it turns hot? (Or cold for that matter?)  “Guess what! It’s hot out!” I guess that is for all your virtual friends who are living under a rock?
  3. Who invented cliffhangers at the end of a television season? Sadistic bugger. I need closure people!
  4. Who knew there were so many products out there to choose from to remove “tear stains” from your dog’s eyes? Should this be that complicated?!
  5. Why do motorcycles zip around you at a hundred miles an hour and then complain that no one is watching for them? (Okay…before you go there: I know this doesn’t apply to all motorcyclists.  Just the ones on the interstate.)
  6. Does anyone else ever wonder if it is actually possible to successfully empty an entire toothpaste tube by only squeezing from the bottom? No really. I want to hear from anyone who has done it.
  7. Where do all those bugs that show up at night come from? And while I’m thinking about it: why do they think up my nose is a good place to be? EW!
  8. Why does everyone think everything you say or post is about them?  It usually isn’t but if you are feeling guilty…. (We have a saying around here: “If the shoe fits…it’s likely a Wedel female will purchase it. Oh…wait…)
  9. Am I the only one who watches commercials for the latest greatest weight loss pill and wonders how many days it makes one spend in the bathroom to accomplish that weight loss?
  10.  Finally: how can a dog annoy and amuse you at the same time?  Probably the same way my kids always have but I haven’t figured out their secret either….

Have A Happy Wednesday All!


7 responses to “Wednesday Wonderings

  1. momshieb says:

    Having missed out on many nights of sleep while my dog trembles and whines, may I add a couple?
    • Does any believe those BP ads where they try to convince us what great environmentalists they are?
    • Do different dog food flavors really taste different?
    • Do clams communicate?

  2. The muscle thing reminded me of my recent bowling escapade. I am always so sore after bowling which is only like every 3 years. It always surprises me that there are muscles I only apparently use when I am bowling….how is that possible????

  3. I had no idea there were ANY products to remove doggy tear tracks! Must be that darn rock I’ve been living under. Hehe. At least it’s nice and cool under here. With my perfectly-empty-squeezed-from-the-bottom toothpaste. Oops. Okay, now you know I’m lying. No one can empty one of those suckers without doing that crimp and curse thing around the neck area. And bugs like my nose too. They must be attracted to our large, beefy brains. At least, that’s what I keep telling myself.

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